2018/3/2Online abstract open(available from 3/5-)
2018/1/14The 4th Circular uploaded
2017/11/20Absract template and guidline are uploaded here.
2017/11/15 Registration is now open
2017/11/14The 3rd Circular uploaded
2017/10/9The 2nd Circular uploaded
2017/08/20The 1st Circular uploaded
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University
Chief / Prof. Dr. Keiji Takabe
Executive Chief / Prof. Dr. Yuzo Furuta
Secretary / Prof. Dr. Hisashi Miyafuji
/ Associate Prof. Dr. Atsushi Tabuchi
/ Assistant Prof. Dr. Keisuke Kojiro
E-mail: wood2018(a)jwrs.org