Online system
How to post poster presentation
Postable date: March 1, 2022-March 14 12:00*e-poster
Login information:
Login ID: Presentation number
Password: Email address registered at the time of registration
please visit for detail
Online system and membership
Both oral and poster sessions will be held through an online presentation system. For presentations and participation, an internet connection is required. Details of the presentation guidelines and system requirements will be announced on this website later.1. Presenters are limited to members of the Japan Wood Research Society (JWRS, annual membership fee must be paid by the end of December 2021).
2. Supporting members can make up to three presentations per member.
Oral presentation
During oral presentations, presenters will share their PC/laptop screen with participants through an online presentation system and then display their respective presentation slides and talk.
March 15 (Tue) PM
March 16 (Wed) AM, PM
* Details of the time of oral presentation will be announced on this website later.
Video conference system: Zoom webinar
1. Presenters need an internet environment suitable for presentations, whether wired or wireless (a stable internet environment that allows continuous viewing/distribution of videos), a PC/laptop, a speaker, a microphone, and a video camera.
2. 15 minutes, including time for questions and change of presenter.
3. Presenters must attend the practice session to test the connection. Please ensure familiarity with operation of the Zoom webinar and the sharing of presentation slides.
4. Superior Oral Presentation Award will be selected from nominated oral presentations by students and will be commended at the closing ceremony.
Recommended slide aspect ratio: 16:9 (wide)
Poster presentation
At the poster session, we set the questions and answers period. Participants ask questions to presenter via chat during the questions period. The presenters answer the questions via chat during the answers period. During the core time, the presenters must stay connected online to the poster session and discuss with the participants.
For exhibition, questions and answers periods schedule see below.
Exhibition period: March 15 (Tue) AM to March 17 (Thu) PM
Question period: March 15 (Tue)
Answer period: March 15 (Tue) AM to March 16 (Wed) AM
Core time: March 15 (Tue) AM
* After the answer period, presenters and participants can discuss freely until the end of the exhibition period.
* Details of the time of poster presentation will be announced on this website later.
Online poster presentation system: e-poster and on-demand movies (short-presentation).
1. Questions and answers period will be conducted by chat.
2. Poster Award will be selected from all poster presentations and will be commended at the closing ceremony.
3. The award is for the e-poster and short-presentation is as supporting information.
Please check the "HowToPostPosterPresentation.pdf".
E-poster and Short-presentation
* E-poster
You can upload multiple images as e-poster
File format: jpeg, jpg, png
File size limit: 10 MB for each image
File number limit: 100
Recommended image format
Aspect ratio: 4:3 (wide)
Numbers: ca. 5 to 10 images
* Short-presentation
You can upload a movie file as short-presentation.
File format: mp4, mov, wmv, avi
Recommended movie format
Aspect ratio: 4:3 (wide)
Movie time: ca. 2 to 3 minutes