
Oral Presentation
VENUE:Building for Faculty of Agriculture, North Campus, Kyoto University
Poster Presentation
VENUE:"Kokusai Koryu Hall" in the Clock Tower, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
VENUE:Building for Faculty of Agriculture, North Campus, Kyoto University
Poster Presentation
VENUE:"Kokusai Koryu Hall" in the Clock Tower, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
Guide for Poster and Oral Presentation


The session is open from 9:30 to 12:00 am on 19th March 2011, at the "Kokusai Koryu Hall" in the Clock Tower, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University. You are requested to set up your poster from 9:00 to 9:30 am on 19th, March and to remove it when the session is over.
Poster Display Panels
The poster display panel is 90 cm (W) x 240 cm (H). We will not supply any desk space for presentation.
Mounting of Display Materials
You must mount your poster on the panel allocated to its presentation number, which you can find in the Proceedings (D19-P-AM15, for example). You can mount your poster with pushpins or tapes available at the entrance of poster room.
Title, including author(s) and affiliation(s), should be at the top of the poster.
Please avoid long textual passages and use graphs and diagrams as much as possible. Use a large font size, 24-point or more, for text. Arrange materials in columns rather than in rows to ensure easy viewing. Indicate the sequence of figures or graphs with numerals or letters at least 2 cm high.
Figures should be designed to be clearly viewed from a distance of 1 m. Use clear and visible graphics. Each figure or table should have a heading in large typeface. Detailed information should be provided in a legend below in smaller typeface. Figure legends should describe concisely the content of the figure and the conclusions. Details of the methodology should be kept brief.
Explain your key findings etc. to audience, if any. You may have copies of abstracts or handouts available for distribution. The presenting author should be present during the core-time: 9:30-10:45 am for the first group in which last digits of presentation numbers are odd and 10:45-12:00 am for the second group in which last digits of presentation numbers are even.

The session is open from 8:30 to 17:45 on 18th March 2011, and 8:30-12:00 on 20th, March 2011, at the Session Room Nos. 1 to 9 at Building for Faculty of Agriculture, North Campus, Kyoto University.
Presentation Time
Please find the start time and the Room No. of your presentaion in the Proceedings. Oral presentation is 12 minutes plus 3 minutes of discussion.
PC for Presentation
We strongly recommend that you use your own computer for your presentation. You may use a Windows PC computer (specs: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2003, Adobe Acrobat 7.x or higher).
Note on Mac-produced presentations
If your presentation was created on a MAC and converted to run on a PC please test it before you come to the meeting. Make sure that the hyperlinks still function.
Session Venue

Access to Yoshida Campus of Kyoto University
Access to Main Campus (March 19)
Access to North Campus (March 18 and 20)

google map is available at;
see in bigger size