To register fot the Meeting, please complete the Registration Form (PDF format, MS-Word format) and send it by e-mail or fax to the office of WOOD2005 KYOTO. Please pay registration fee and
banquet fee at the registration desk. Don't send any check or money to
the conference secretariat.
Registration fees
Registration fee (including a copy and CD of the proceedings) |
JWRS menber | 10,000 JPY |
Non-member | 12,000 JPY | |
JWRS student member | 7,000 JPY | |
Banquet fee |
10,000 JPY |
The registration fees include a copy and CD of the Annual Meeting Proceedings and participation in the sessions.
Separate fee of 10,000JPY is charged for the Banquet.
Please send the followings by e-mail to the office of WOOD2005 KYOTO.
Registration Form
Title: ( ) Prof. ( ) Dr. ( ) Mr. ( ) Ms.
Mailing Address ( ( ) Office ( ) Home)
E-mail address:
Registration fee: Please check one.
( )member(10,000JPY),( )student(7,000JPY),( )non-member(12,000JPY)
A copy and CD of the proceedings are included in registration fee.
Banquet: I ( ( ) will ( ) will not ) attend banquet.
Banquet fee is 10,000 JPY per one person.
Please pay registration fee and banquet fee at the registration desk. Don't
send any check or money to the conference secretariat.
Contact adress |
Prof. Minoru MASUDA (Chairman) Division of Forest and Biomaterials Science Graduate School of Agriculture Kyoto University E-mail: Fax: +81-75-753-6245 |
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