
The official language of the Meeting is japanese, but English presentations and abstracts are also acceptable.

Oral Presentation

Oral presentation number is determined by the following:

A 6 0900
1) 2) 3)
1) Division (e.g. A : Anatomy)
2) Date (e.g. 6 : Mar. 16)
3) Time (e.g. 0900 : start from 9:00 )

Each oral presentation should be within 15 minutes duration including discussion. LCD projector or OHP will be available, although a slide projector will not be available. If you will use a LCD projector, please prepare your personal computer for your presentation.
For the Mac user, please use the OS-10, because OS-9 may cause the inconvenience to your presentation display.

Poster Presentation

Poster presentation number is determined by the following:
1) P : Poster
2) Division (e.g. A : Anatomy)
3) Date (e.g. 7 : Mar. 17)
4) Presentation number

Poster presentations will be divided into different times by each presentation number (odd or even number).

Odd number
Even number
Mar. 16(Wed.)
13:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00
Mar. 17(Thu.)
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00

For the presenters on Mar. 16(Wed.), please post up your poster on the poster board from 8:30 to 11:30, and detach it from the board from 15:00 to 17:30 after your presentation.

For the presenters on Mar. 17(Thu.), please post up your poster on the poster board from 8:30 to 10:30, and detach it from the board from 14:00 to 15:00 after your presentation.

Presentation materials must be set on a given panel with pins. No desk is available in front of the panel. If presenters need desk for the display of samples or power supply and so on, please contact with the organizing committee.

Preparation of presentation materials:
// Poster Board //
Only one panel is provided to each presentation. The size of the panel is 90cm wide and 210cm high.
On the top of the panel, title, affiliations and names of authors must be displayed.
Text, figures and tables must be clearly finished so those can be recognized at a distance of 2m.The language that can be used is English or Japanese.
The language that can be used is English or Japanese.

Contact adress
Prof. Minoru MASUDA (Chairman)
Division of Forest and Biomaterials Science
Graduate School of Agriculture
Kyoto University
Fax: +81-75-753-6245

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